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Dawn's Blog Post




""Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." Luke 6:38

Here is the basket that showed up on my front porch."



As I sit here at my desk with God's light shining through my window, I feel so blessed and thankful for everything in my life. I pray that we will be able to help out OCC as we have been helped. What a great day!


Leap of Faith. By Allison Trull

For my 4th year  I've been a part of something that is much bigger than me (the Thanksgiving food drive).  A tiny act really, as it won't end world hunger or keep the lights on,  but each year I'm reminded that it's still impactful. My dear friend had a vision that we all needed to build community. She is one of the most purest of heart and faithful people I know and can rally the troops like no other. So here we went, when all of our belts were a little tight but our hearts knew we needed to help. The first step in a leap of faith. We sent out the plea, stood at Safeway and can by can and dollar by dollar raised enough money to make 150 baskets.  These were our neighbors that were hurting, people that weren't asking for a handout but were in need of a sign, an offering of hope and faith that we'd all get through this together.  A basket was delivered with a simple note saying to count your blessings one by one.
Flash forward to 2011 as Sharon challenged us to reach further and think bigger. Now claiming the Eastside and Seattle the numbers came in and we had requests for 1,488!  The ultimate sign of faith as we are a group of friends, families and neighbors who just want to help and each basket costs about $25 to make.  No corporate sponsors just individuals starting from nothing three weeks ago and praying that a path would be forged to meet the need.
This is the reason I do this every year, the leap of faith.  The reminder that everyone can enact change and you need to dream big and believe.  Every year we have points of overwhelming, doubt and exhaustion but at each low point a sign was placed before me. The 8 year boy scouts who hand made each of our cards this year, the random people who came into the store and shared their stories and lended a hand.  A bald eagle staring down in approval as we delivered our baskets to our Seattle families.  Each year, through the chaos I'm reminded of how thankful I am for all that I am blessed with and the friends new and old who are willing to walk the walk and help.  Each year two things run through my head  Phillippians 4:13  "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."  and "Let me see the need and be able to provide the hands to help. Let me trust that all things are possible with faith and be the example for others to follow."  It's the ultimate leap of faith and I'll tell you the best high you can get to knock at the door, scratch and claw your way to a goal.
Yes, we did it!  A group of hundreds from the BHS Cheer Squad, Boy Scouts, Students, Friends, family and our core group of ever faithful, sometimes glutens for punishments crew.  Many hands have been a part of each basket and even if they won't fill the fridge, we hope they'll fill the heart.  I know for one, my heart is.  With each hug, thank you and tear shed from the receiving end, I am humbled and reminded that it is worth the hours, the stress and the hard work if we can lighten the load for just a moment in someone else's life.
Give thanks  be giving and show those around you love them.  We don't know how much time we all have but we have a choice to make the most of what we are given.  Thank you to each and everyone one of you as you have all left an imprint at various points in my world. I am so thankful for all of you near and far.
My wish to all at the start of this holiday season....
" May your troubles be less and your blessings be more and nothing but happiness come through your door." Old Irish Prayer
Take a leap of faith today and watch the miracles happen!

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